NNA members claim Bingo wins
Jan 1, 2023

NNA members met for Bingo on Dec. 7, 2022, and Cheryl Williams, Monroe County Reporter, Forsyth, Georgia (pictured center row, left), took the cake again — winning the final round of blackout for $100, plus two regular rounds of Bingo. (Blackout is when all pieces on the players card are filled.) Thanks to Devlyn Brooks (bottom row, right) and Modulist of Fargo, North Dakota, for sponsoring! Mary Huber, Archbold (Ohio) Buckeye (pictured top row, left), won $20 for two regular round wins and David Hedges (center row, right), The Times Record, Spencer West Virginia, won a regular round, totaling $10. (Kate Decker, Pub Aux)