Fun ways to keep your readers healthy
Dec 18, 2023

Germs multiply in close quarters during wintertime.
Publish these games, healthy habits and exercises to help families in your wintry circulation area. Can children you know do the “Hundred Toss?” What about these “Hand Exercises?” Show these to the health businesses and services in your community who take care of local families.
Health businesses and services are ideal sponsors for the Kid Scoop pages. Need a proposal to ask a local non-profit to support publishing the Kid Scoop health content? We can help you. Many newspapers are partnering with entities that don’t typically advertise. They do want to contribute to the education and health of the community. They have funds and will welcome your proposal. The Kid Scoop team has helped hundreds of newspapers gain non-profit supporters.
Parents are constantly trying to get their children to hydrate, wash their hands and turn off the screens for healthier activities. Kid Scoop understands. That’s why the pages include puzzles and games for smart fun. Your newspaper offers parents healthy solutions that delight children.
Notice the whole newspaper activity at the bottom left of the page. “Healthy Feels Good!”
For help with attracting healthy funds, please contact Dan “Patio” Dalton in California at 909-793-9890 or