NNA member alert: USPS again clarifies no-sack policy
Mar 24, 2023

The U.S. Postal Service in January announced that it planned to eliminate use of sacks for most Periodicals mailings, but complications from a wide array of mailer practices caused the policy to be amended and clarified this year. Now, USPS has another clarification.
For mailers who are entering mail without use of postal software (including those using Postal Wizard for business mail entry) and who are bringing Periodicals into a plant in sacked bundles, USPS will provide a container at the plant. The mailer will be required to empty the sack into the USPS container prior to entry. No container charge will be required.
Mailers preparing carrier route or 5-digit bundles are still permitted to use sacks. These containers ideally are not processed through sorting plants, but are simply moved across the postal dock from one truck to another.
Entry of bundles at an post office entry facility should not be in any container at all, but should be brought in and placed in a postal cart or gurney.
For other Periodicals mail, flats trays should be used.